Congrats!! You’re either super close to finishing, or you’ve already finished your detox, and that’s incredible!

Everyone experiences a detox differently, and you might wonder, what’s next? How can I build on these results? How can I keep feeling amazing and keep from rebounding?
First, I would LOVE to jump on a call with you if you are wanting to dig deeper into your root causes and continue on this journey to rebalancing your body for long term health.
Need help deciding where to start? You can schedule a call with me here!
Second, do you recognize some of the reasons you are feeling so good in the first place?
Healthy habits?
Not eating unhealthy foods?
Giving your body a break?
In this blog, we’ll dive into some potential next steps to keep you moving forward on your health journey with momentum and some tips for keeping your toxins low!
Keep sweating out the toxins.
Foundational supplements to help you find balance
Identifying your root causes with functional medicine lab testing
Planning your next detox
Keeping up with healthy habits
Slowly reintroducing food
Quick disclaimer: Some of the links on this page are affiliate links, which means if you purchase after clicking on the link, I will receive a small commission. This allows me to support you as I do, and I greatly appreciate your support!
Keep the Sweating Going!
Whether you started using a sauna during the detox or increased exercise, sweating is one of the most powerful ways to keep your toxic burden low. An infrared sauna is one of the most effective tools for reducing your toxic burden. I find my sauna session both relaxing and energizing.

However, not all saunas are created equal. If you’re looking for a high-quality option, I highly recommend the Therasage Infrared sauna. It stands out for several reasons, including its low EMF levels, red light therapy, and grounding technology. Plus, it’s an all-in-one portable, compact unit.
Move Forward with Foundational Supplements
People feel so good during the detox because they provide their bodies with the foundational vitamins and minerals they need to function at their best through the Equilife 12-in-1 Daily Nutritional Support shake. I recommend continuing this multivitamin as it also includes liver support, among many other things.
However, there are additional supplements most people need to maintain balance and support their bodies. Below are foundation recommendations that everyone should move forward with to help their body function at its best.
The DNS shake provides vitamins and minerals to support every cell and organ in your body. You were drinking this shake during the detox, and incorporating it into your daily routine can give you more energy and fill nutrient deficiencies. You can use it in a morning smoothie with fruits, vegetables, and a source of fat like coconut cream for a complete meal.
This superfood powder contains 22 organic fruits, vegetables, and superfoods in just one serving. Eating various fruits and veggies daily can be challenging, but drinking this F&V blend can ensure you get enough phytonutrients and variety. It’s kind of an insurance policy.
A diverse community of microorganisms in the gut supports digestion immunity, reduces inflammation, and MUCH more. This dairy-free probiotic helps balance good and bad gut bacteria properly.
Vitamin D is essential for hormone production and thousands of other bodily functions. For many reasons, most of us are deficient in Vitamin D. Supplementation is helpful year-round when you don’t spend at least 30 minutes in the sun a day, when you aren’t holding a tan, when you aren’t eating Vitamin D-rich foods, and when your levels are low. It’s also beneficial to have your Vitamin D levels tested.
Maintaining a proper ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 fatty acids is essential for heart health and reducing inflammation. This omega-3 supplement helps balance this ratio and uniquely balances EPA and DHA. Omega 3s are something I recommend for everyone as they profoundly impact your heart and circulatory system and reduce inflammation.
Identify YOUR Personal Root Causes with Functional Medicine Labs
Test, don’t guess! When you’re on a wellness journey and want to address YOUR root causes (in the correct order), running some lab tests will help you identify your next step.

Let's chat if you’re ready to take your next step with lab testing. I can help you decide which labs to order, and we can create a plan moving forward. Schedule your free call here.
Here are some of my favorite Functional Lab tests:
Full Functional Blood Work
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis
Organic Acids Test
Stool Testing
Bioenergetic Testing
Full Functional Blood Work: We look at blood work from a functional perspective. We look for optimal ranges and imbalances or red flags that can clue us in to potential root causes hindering you from feeling your best. You will need to go to a Labcorp to get blood drawn. What is drawn: TIBC, UIBC, Iron, Ferritin, CBC w/diff, CMP, Urinalysis, Lipid panel, Thyroid panel w/TSH, thyroid antibodies, Hgb A1C, Vit D, 25-hydroxy, CRP - Cardiac, Uric acid, Phosphorus, LDH, GGT. Must be in U.S. and able to go to labcorp location. Book Here
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis: If you often feel stressed, tired, or anxious, it may indicate that your nervous system is overwhelmed and your minerals and electrolytes are out of balance. Mineral and electrolyte balance is essential to a well-functioning body, and imbalance can cause countless symptoms. This simple hair test can tell you SO much about your health! Book Here
Organic Acids Test: If you suffer from digestive upset, gas or bloating, reflux, and mood changes, this test is for you. This in-depth at-home urine test can show how well your digestive system functions and provide information about your energy and mood metabolites. It can also tell you whether you get the necessary vitamins from your diet. This test is incredible and comprehensive, and I recommend it to everyone!
Stool Testing: This stool test looks at your gut bacteria balance and while a number of microorganisms are commonly found in our intestines, it is possible for them to fall out of their normal balances. Interestingly, we can acquire microorganisms that should never be present in our body. In either case, a GI tract out of balance can lead to a number of health issues. This easy, at-home lab test measures microscopy, antigens, cultures and occult blood in your gastrointestinal tract so you can take a deep dive into your health and uncover the true reasons you’re feeling unwell.
Bioenergetic Testing: Bioenergetic testing utilizes energetic frequencies to see how your unique body responds to these frequencies. From this, we are able to receive insights from your body of what may be hindering your body from functioning optimally. This type of non-invasive testing allows us to design a regimen just for YOUR body to help shift it into a more balanced state leading to optimal health (and getting your symptoms into remission).
Plan Your Next Detox
A 21-day detox can be done four times per year (seasonally), or you can do a 7 or 14-day more often every 1-2 months. Listen to your body, and you’ll know when you're ready for another one!
But it’s great to schedule it ahead of time. Then, you might even get others to detox with you!
Keep Up With Healthy Habits
You just created some amazing healthy habits! Here are some ways to keep up with these!
Consider adopting a similar meal plan after detox. For example, if you enjoyed the liquid-based breakfast during the detox, try having a smoothie every morning with berries, greens (or Daily Fruit and Vegetable), DNS powder, and healthy fat. This breakfast keeps me full for hours. You can even add more beneficial ingredients, such as fruit, to meet your needs.
Incorporate at least three vegan lunches weekly to support healthy digestion and keep your gut happy.

If you feel hungry between meals, choose snacks such as green juice, raw nuts, vegetables with hummus, or a second smoothie.
Stick to the paleo-style dinners recommended in the detox plan since they will continue to support your body.
Whenever possible, cook your meals at home to limit eating out to 1-2 times per week.
Aim to eat meals every 3.5- 4 hours.
Continue dry brushing to maximize lymph drainage.
Maintain regular bowel movements by aiming to have two daily bowel movements to help your body release toxins and prevent them from building up and causing symptoms.
Drink warm lemon water with sea salt in the morning to move your bowels and support your liver.
Slowly Reintroduce Foods
After eliminating certain food groups during the detox, it’s essential to reintroduce them slowly to avoid triggering inflammation. Certain foods such as dairy, gluten (wheat), soy, red meat, corn, peanuts, pork, and shellfish can be inflammatory for some individuals.
To identify which foods are causing your symptoms, try reintroducing each food group on separate days and pay close attention to any adverse reactions.
As you begin incorporating these foods into your diet, ask yourself whether you’re experiencing bloating, gas, stuffy nose, itchy skin, or other unusual symptoms.
These can help determine if the reintroduction is worth it. You can also take a food sensitivity test to identify foods you should avoid while you work on healing your gut.
In Conclusion,
By implementing these actionable steps, you can maintain the benefits of your detox and keep moving forward with momentum!
Reach out and let me know how this experience has been for you and what goals you’d like to hit next!
I’m here to support you every step of the way!
Check out my other blogs for more support!
Have you enjoyed being in the Facebook group? If you’re not already in the group, let me know you purchased the functional medicine detox and get support during any future detoxes and on the rest of your journey.
Connect with me on Instagram @rach_hashimotoswellness and tell me about your detox experience!
Disclaimer: This is not medical advice. This is not to be use to treat, diagnose, or cure disease and is for educational purposes only. Please consult your prescribing physician for any personal medical questions or before starting any new supplements.